External Apps Tutorials
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Pacing Activities
Pacing puts the teacher in control of the pace of the activity. This is a great tool when you want the whole class to progress together. You can stop the pacing any time when you are ready for students to work at their own pace.
Apply Pacing to an Activity
These steps assume that you already have a session code. If you need to create a session code, follow the steps on the Using Activities page.
- From the Desmos Classroom activity page, select “View Dashboard” (next to this class’s session code).
- Share the session link or have students navigate to the activity.
- On the teacher dashboard, select the icon above the word “Pacing” in the upper-left corner of the page.
- Select the first and last screens that you want students to see. For example, if you wanted students to initially view only the first three screens of an activity, you would select screens 1 and 3.
- Select “Restrict to Screens x–z” to confirm your selection.
Here’s an interactive tutorial.
** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **
Select the Start button, then follow the prompts or select the arrows to move through the Pacing Guide screens. Select the Start button, then follow the prompts or select the arrows to move through
For more information about pacing or other features supporting classroom discussion, refer to the Classroom Facilitation Tools page.