Safety Extra Features

Safety Extra Features

Feeling Safe (FS)

Overall, teachers, parents, and students feel safe in the school building.

From the supporting literature (linked), providing visibility with visual connectivity decrease the fear of crime among students.

General Safety in School Buildings (GS)

General safety conditions provided in school buildings and campuses.

From the supporting literature (linked),

1. Safety, in general, in school buildings, is associated to the crime rate. among safety features, the school security cameras is discussed.

2. Designing features that should be considered for improving safety in school buildings are: a) Positive Body Language, (b) Natural Surveillance, (c) Natural Access Control and entrance, (d) Equipment for safe traffic, (e) Lockdown Rooms, (f) The design of Meeting Rooms and key offices, and (g) Access to the roof.

3. Some of the safety concerns are mensioned as; water quality, adequate restrooms, emergency communication system, fire safety system and security systems.

4. Among safety components for creating safe schools, a) creating a conducive school climate and culture, b) promoting use of quality facilities and technology, c) creating a link between the school, mental health, and social services, and d) improved parental and community involvement are discussed.

Outdoor Green Areas (OGA)

Outdoor green spaces such as playground areas and its association with safety in school buildings and feeling safe among students.

From the supporting literature (linked), greening vacant lots is associated with the following; (a) improved health, (b) reduction in violence and victimization, (c) reduction in crime and vandalism, (d) reduction in stress level, and (e) increase in physical exercise.


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3. Bracy, N. L. (2011). Student perceptions of high-security school environments. Youth & Society, 43(1), 365-395.

4. Branas, C. C., Cheney, R. A., MacDonald, J. M., Tam, V. W., Jackson, T. D., & Ten Have, T. R. (2011). A difference-in-differences analysis of health, safety, and greening vacant urban space. American journal of epidemiology, 174(11), 1296-1306.

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9. Dorn, M., Atlas, R., Schneider, T., Dorn, C., Nguyen, P., Satterly, S., Bentley, C. R., Ellis, C, R., Goble, C., Bellaire, U., Wilson, R., Billinger, M. (2014). “Seven Important Building Design Features to Enhance School Safety and Security”. 2014 Safe Havens International Inc. Indiana.

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12. Henrich, C. C., Schwab-Stone, M., Fanti, K., Jones, S. M., & Ruchkin, V. (2004). The association of community violence exposure with middle-school achievement: A prospective study. Journal of applied developmental psychology, 25(3), 327-348.

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16. Lee, S., & Ha, M. (2015). The Duality of Visibility: Does Visibility Increase or Decrease the Fear of Crime in Schools′ Exterior Environments?. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 14(1), 145-152.

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18. Peguero, A. A., Portillos, E. L., Hong, J. S., González, J. C., Kahle, L. L., & Shekarkhar, Z. (2013). Victimization, urbanicity, and the relevance of context: school routines, race and ethnicity, and adolescent violence. Journal of criminology, 2013.

19. Perumean-Chaney, S. E., & Sutton, L. M. (2013). Students and perceived school safety: The impact of school security measures. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 38(4), 570-588.

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22. Tanner-Smith, E. E., & Fisher, B. W. (2016). Visible school security measures and student academic performance, attendance, and postsecondary aspirations. Journal of youth and adolescence, 45(1), 195-210.

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26. Burdick-Will, J (2013) School Violent Crime and Academic Achievement in Chicago. Sociology of Education, 86(4).

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31. Upton, P. D; Woolley, M. E; Hong, J. S (2012) Exposure to violence, student fear, and low academic achievement: African American males in the critical transition to high school. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(2), 388-395.