External Apps Tutorials

eKadence: Sign in and Enroll With a Course Code

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these steps if you already have an eKadence account and need to enroll in a new course. If you are unsure whether you have an existing account, please email K20’s Instructional Technologist team and we can check for you.

Step 1

Select the course enrollment link provided by K20. Generally, the enrollment links are provided via email.

Please note the accompanying image is provided only as an example.

email with an ekadence enrollment link highlighted

Step 2

Select Login

Note: Each course enrollment link is unique to that course. 

Existing Users login button and New Users: register new account b utton

Step 3

Select the appropriate option. If you are a teacher or administrator, select Learners.

ekadence login screen, learners is highlighted

Step 4

Select either Sign in with Google or Login with Magic Link.

Please note many schools have IT access restricted. If Sign in with Google results in an error message, try Login with Magic Link.

Step 5: Sign in with Google

Select the appropriate Google email address and enter your password.

a Google account is selected.

Step 5: Login with Magic Link

  1. Enter your email address and select Send Magic Link.
  2. Check your email. An email will be sent to the address you provided. The subject line will be “K20 Center – The University of Oklahoma – Login.”
  3. Choose either
    • Log in to eKadence, or
    • Enter the Magic Code
When you select the Log in button or enter the code you will immediately be logged in and taken to the eKadence dashboard.
An email has been entered into the empty field
Magic Link email

Step 6

Select the Join a Class button on your account dashboard (upper right).

eKadence dashboard, join a class button is highlighted

Step 7

Enter the Class Code (and password if provided), then select the Join button.

Note: Passwords are not always necessary. If you were not provided a password with your course enrollment, leave the password field blank.


The course will display on your account dashboard.

eKadence dashboard with course card listed