Scott Wilson, Ph.D.
K20 Associate Director of Innovative Learning

Scott Wilson, Ph.D.
K20 Associate Director of Innovative Learning
About Scott Wilson, Ph.D.
Dr. Scott Wilson is the Associate Director of Innovative Learning at the University of Oklahoma’s K20 Center. He has had a 30+ career in education in which he served as a science teacher, technology director, gifted and talented coordinator, library media specialist, district administrator, instructional technologist, evaluator, researcher, author, and a facilitator of professional learning. Dr. Wilson serve as on the K20’s leadership team in which he supports the research of effective teaching and learning in Kindergarten to graduate educational environments. He leads a team of educators, researchers, designers, and developers in the application of evidenced-based, research informed learning to engage learners in authentic learning experiences. Scott holds a PhD in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum and has served as a designer, producer, and researcher of novel learning experiences and their impact on learning. Dr. Wilson and the College and Career Readiness research teams at K20 are exploring the potential impact of learner-centered instruction in increasing student engagement and academic readiness in preparing ALL students for their future in college and/or in their career.
Skills & Expertise
University of Oklahoma
Ph.D., 2007
Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum
University of Oklahoma
M.Ed., 1999
Library and Information Studies
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
B.S., 1990
Natural Science Education
Program Affiliations