About Javier Elizondo, M.A.
Francisco Javier Elizondo is the Game-Based Learning Coordinator at the K20 Center for Educational and Community Renewal. As the GBL coordinator, he manages a talented team of programmers, content developers, and instructional designers on the development, testing, and implementation of educational gaming environments. He received his M.A in Broadcasting and Production from the University of Western Illinois. Javier’s work focuses on the research-based implementation of game mechanics to pursue instructional goals. Research papers based on his work have been published by the International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, International Journal of Game-Based Learning, Computers in Human Behavior. He has presented his work in leading conferences in the game development field such as the International Communication Association, the Serious Games Summit at the Game Developers Conference, National Education Computer Conference, and GLS (Games+Learning+Society). Javier has produced more than 20 educational titles, 15 for the K20 Center. 12 of those games are used every day, free of charge by students in Oklahoma. His work has been recognized by several organizations more recently the game Get A Life was awarded the Student Choice Award at the 2019 Serious Games Showcase and Challenge
Skills & Expertise
Western Illinois University
M.A., 2000
Public Communication and Broadcasting
Instituto Tecnológico de y Estudios Superiores de Monterrey ITESM
B.A., 1990
Communication Sciences and Organizational Communication
Program Affiliations