Ally Audas

Field Technology Specialist

Ally Audas

Field Technology Specialist

About Ally Audas

Ally has worked at the University of Oklahoma for over 25 years in various positions in the education field.  Her last 12 years have been with The K20 Center as a field technology specialist for the Oklahoma Educational Technology Trust (OETT). She loves building relationships with teachers and walking them through ways to integrate technology in their instruction.  She has also divided her time between K20 and Madison Elementary in Norman where she was a gifted and talented resource coordinator for 8 years. Splitting this time allowed her to keep up with the latest technology and evaluate the uses in a classroom setting.  Ally loves to garden, watch or listen to true crime, and explore local patios on 75 degree days.

Skills & Expertise

University of Oklahoma
B.S., 1999
Elementary Education

Program Affiliations