Authentic Lessons, Strategies, and Activities
LEARN: K20’s Free, Searchable Lesson Library
Find lessons by grade level, content area, keywords, state/national standards, and time frame. Browse our collection of vetted lessons compiled through years of curriculum development and outreach to K-12 public schools across the state of Oklahoma. Don’t know where to start?
Research-based 21st-Century Learning
Authentic teaching allows students to engage in student centered learning, construction of knowledge, disciplined inquiry, collaborative discourse, and real world problem solving. K20 LEARN lessons are developed using the 5E learning cycle model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend, Evaluate) to deliver authentic learning experiences that:
- Engage students above and beyond traditional lesson plans
- Facilitate in-depth inquiry learning
- Promote the mastery of critical academic concepts

Working With Lessons Is Easy
On K20 LEARN you can easily download and print the lessons you need. Published lessons may be shared on your favorite social media outlet. Like a lesson? Create a free account and you can duplicate a lesson to modify for your classroom needs, or use our lesson editor to create your own unique 5E lesson.
On K20 LEARN you can easily download and print the lessons you need. Published lessons may be shared on your favorite social media outlet. Like a lesson? Create a free account and you can duplicate a lesson to modify for your classroom needs, or use our lesson editor to create your own unique 5E lesson.
Construct Your Own Lesson
Create lesson plans with ease using our lesson editor. You will have access to hundreds of research-based instructional strategies and web 2.0 tools that can easily be embedded directly into your lesson. Once your lesson is complete you can even submit it for publication on K20 LEARN.
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Quisque eget diam nec dui ornare efficitur efficitur non turpis. Maecenas maximus urna vel arcu aliquam sodales. Etiam cursus ut augue vitae commodo. Duis lacus lacus, commodo vel turpis a, venenatis pretium ipsum. Phasellus leo ipsum, luctus ac commodo quis, accumsan at mauris. Morbi feugiat ligula eget tincidunt vestibulum. Vestibulum ac sodales augue, quis elementum elit. Vivamus facilisis mauris ac urna lacinia mattis. Vestibulum neque velit, fringilla vitae dictum vel, mattis eu neque.
Suspendisse potenti. Praesent id interdum risus, non dignissim velit. Nam rhoncus volutpat augue, quis aliquet libero commodo facilisis. Aliquam at ex efficitur, pharetra elit in, accumsan felis. Vivamus nec metus non diam vestibulum finibus. Nam odio diam, luctus vitae convallis vitae, sollicitudin sit amet mauris. Donec non dictum purus. Curabitur non tincidunt ante. Morbi eu mi in arcu consequat luctus. Sed id risus sodales, pellentesque neque id, euismod leo. Nunc ut massa non turpis elementum porta sed quis magna. Fusce consectetur nunc dolor. Pellentesque lorem orci, tristique vitae nisi eu, tincidunt vestibulum sem.